WXSIM Weather Forecast -
Outlook Today & Tonight |

Partly Cloudy High: 6°C
WXSIM forecast: Mostly cloudy to cloudy in the morning, becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. A slight chance of rain. High 6°. Wind chill ranging from -2 to 2. Wind northeast around 20 kph, gusting to 33 kph. Chance of precipitation 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm.

Mostly Cloudy Low: 4°C
WXSIM forecast: Partly to mostly cloudy in the evening, becoming cloudy after midnight. A slight chance of rain. Low 4°. Wind chill as low as -1. Wind east-northeast around 22 kph, gusting to 37 kph. Chance of precipitation 20 percent. Precipitation mostly less than 2 mm.
WXSIM Short Term Weather Forecast |

Cloudy |
Monday night

Cloudy |

Cloudy |
Tuesday night

Fog |

Fog a.m. |
Wednesday night

Cloudy |

Rain likely |
High: 5°C |
Low: 3°C |
High: 4°C |
Low: 3°C |
High: 7°C |
Low: 6°C |
High: 8°C |
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